I had been staying at Liz's house the week of September 6th-10th because Mark was in Brazil on business. Liz had taken off of work the entire week, so we spent the entire week pampering ourselves and shopping. On Wednesday, September 8th I had a doctor's appointment. Everything was fine except for my blood pressure. Since my Grandpa had passed away in July, my blood pressure just seemed to get higher and higher at each doctor's visit. Dr. Halbridge wanted me to come back that Friday to do a blood pressure check. I thought nothing of it and continued power shopping with Liz all week. We went to the Galleria two times that week and one day was spent shopping in First Colony and the Town Center in Katy. Looking back, I was probably doing way too much walking! So Friday rolled around and I did not want to go back to the doctor. We had places to go and shopping to do! But Liz convinced/ forced me to go to the doctor. My blood pressure had actually gotten higher, so the nurse called Dr. Halbridge. I remember sitting in the waiting room and the nusre opened the door and nonchalantly said, "Okay, you are going to be induced tonight. You need to be at the hospital at 7:00 p.m." I was in complete shock. I thought I had another two weeks to go. My due date was September 24th. I was not ready at all. Then I told the nurse, "But I hava a hair appointment tomorrow." She said, "Honey, no you don't. You are having a baby tomorrow." Joseph was the first person I told (only because he called me as I was leaving the doctor's), then Pamela, then my Dad.
Liz and I enjoyed our last meal at Cheesecake Factory. We shared some potstickers. I had pasta and Liz had salad I think, and sweet potatoe fries. We stopped at Palais Royal so I could get a few night gowns for the hospital stay. When I got home I packed my bags, (which I still hadn't gotten around to), packed Jackson and Rajah's stuff (they stayed at my dad's), cleaned up the house (I wanted everything to be in perfect order when I returned with my bundle of joy), and tried to soak in the last moments of not being a mommy.
When we arrived at the hospital, we were escorted to room 313. I took my last shower before the nurses put my IV in. Arnold ordered more food from Cheesecake factory. I was craving chocolate cheesecake and I thought that would be the perfect ending to my pregnancy. Pamela and Arnold stayed with me that night. The nurses started giving me medicine at midnight to start the labor. I tried to rest and sleep as much as possible. I woke up at 3 a.m. because my cheesecake and salad had to come back up. Then I went back to sleep. At 8 a.m. I was given more medicine. Sleep again. Then I was up at noon. The rest of the afternoon was a blur. I don't remember anything really. I had wanted to go through labor without any medicine, but the pain was unbearable for me, so I broke down and asked for an epidural. I was so blessed to be surrounded by the people who love me. Liz, Mark, Meghan, Joseph, Cameron, Aunt Sandy, Uncle Glenn, and Katheryn (Thankfully Katheryn put makeup on me before the delivery) were patiently waiting in the waiting room, while Pamela and Arnold were by my side. The actual delivery went by quickly. As I started to push, Pamela got sick and had to leave the room. I thought we were going to have to find a replacement for her, but after a sandwich and some orange juice she was good to go. I also allowed a nursing student to witness the birth. I hope that in some way seeing Ava come into the world has inspired her in some way, even if it is the smallest. When she came out she was not crying. Dr, Halbridge said she was sleeping. I think he said that, so I would not worry because I don't see how a person could sleep on their way down the birth canal! Ava Rose weighed 6 pounds, 6.8 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. My life forever changed at 5:19 p.m. on September 11, 2010.

****As many of us know, my grandmother, Alice Schumaan, passed away on September 11, 2002 a little after 6 p.m. I feel like with Ava, a part of my grandma is still alive. My grandfather did not get to meet her, but he was able to see my growing belly and feel the life that was in me. I was very close to both of my grandparents and I have always felt that they have had a big part in Ava's making. She is so special to me because I know my grandparents have been watching over her and I know they would be head over heels in love with her if they were still here****