Friday, March 4, 2011

Breastfeeding 201: Mommy Essentials

After thinking about my last post on Breastfeeding, I decided I needed to dig deeper into the subject of breastfeeding.  Breastfeeding is a complex art.  Everyone is different and everyone's experience is different.  Remember, I am NOT an expert.  I've only been doing it for six months.

Nursing Bra: Definitely a must in the beginning.  When you have a bra on that has underwire in it, it can effect the baby properly latching on.  Your boob needs to be free so baby can properly latch.  I've noticed that the position of my boob is the determining factor of whether or not Ava will properly latch.  Now that I have gotten the hang of breastfeeding, I wear a regular bra or a sports bra.  I just pull the bra up or down to get my boob ready.

Sleep Bra: A wise plastic surgeon once told me that every woman should wear a sleep bra. Doesn't matter if their boobies are big or small, a sleep bra every night.  He turned to me and said, "Especially breastfeeding women." So I own a sleep bra.  I need to get another one, but I am kinda cheap.  I don't wear it every night, because I have to wash it after I wear it.  Shame on me.  Get a sleep bra whether you are breastfeeding or not.  It can help the effects of gravity.

Nursing Cover: When I was pregnant I found a website that offered free nursing covers with a coupon code at checkout.  All you had to do was pay shipping.  I paid the 6 bucks and ordered 4.  When I got them in them in the mail I realized that I could have made them myself.  Nursing covers are essentially a yard of fabric with another strip attached that goes around your neck and is connected to the cover with a belt loop thing (not sure of the proper name).  I love my nursing covers, because blankets can easily fall down when a baby is moving her arms wildly.  I've worn my cover at church, at restaurants, in the park, and when we visit other people in their homes.  At home, I let it all hang out.  I have never had a problem with breastfeeding in public.  I think that if you are covered up it is not a big deal.  I know some people will not breastfeed in public and there's nothing wrong with that either.
Burp Cloths: Burp clothes, receiving blankets, paper towels, a sock, whatever, as long as it absorbs liquid.  Put them on the boob that baby is not on.  From my own experience, when I am feeding Ava the other boob starts flowing with TM.  After baby is done eating, wipe her mouth with the cloth, then burp her.

Nursing Pads: In the beginning I bought the disposable nursing pads from Babies R Us.  I tried the Lansinoh ones, but they would fold up and never really worked for me.  I tried the Avent ones. Same thing.  Then I tried the Playtex nursing pads.  These pads had tape over the entire back, so they stayed in place.  Nursing pads are expensive. $8-$10 for a box of 60.  That comes out to 13-16 cents per pad. Or 26-32 cents per use.  Which really adds up.  One of my aunts suggested that I use sanitary pads and cut them in half.  I did the math.  I can buy a package of 36 pads for 50 cents (after being on sale and using coupons).  Each pad is less than 2 cents each. .0138 to be exact.  Oh then you cut the pad in half and each nipple pad is really only .oo694 cents.  Yeah that's pretty cheap.  Don't waste your money on nursing pads. I guess if you wanted to be even cheaper, you could buy fabric remnants and sew your own....maybe I'll do that...
Nipple Cream: I used to apply this stuff religiously in the beginning.  Now I don't. My nipples are like nipples of steel.  Like I've said before, I have never experienced any nipple pain or soreness.  So I don't use the stuff.  I may use it when Miss Ava starts getting teeth.  I don't know yet, because we aren't to that point yet.

Nipple Wipes:  I used these religiously in the beginning, but they are kind of expensive considering you have to feed your baby so often.  When I am at home I use a wet wash cloth or paper towel to wipe down everything before Ava eats.  When I am on the go I use the handy nipple wipes.  

Boppy Pillow/ Other Pillows:  Like I've said before, the boppy pillow never worked for me.  I know some moms that have to have it in order to breastfeed.  When I was in the hospital, I used pillows to prop my arms and baby, which made it more comfortable.  During the first few weeks at home I used pillows for support.  After Ava got a little bit older and stronger and both of us got the breastfeeding thing down I quit using them. 

I almost forgot one last Mommy Essential....

Insulated Cup:  I have an insulated Starbucks cup that has a lid and straw that I keep filled with ice water.  I leave it on my kitchen counter or on my nightstand and I drink from it all day long.  Breastfeeding Momma's need their fluids!  Keeping my cup filled and where I can see it ensures that I will take a quick sip on my way to change a diaper or that I have a drink handy when I am nursing.

These items are things that I have found helpful, useful, and essential for me to breastfeed. 

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