I am always looking for ways to s-t-r-e-t-c-h my dollar...Actually, I am always looking for ways to stretch my penny! We are a one income family, with a bright future and big dreams. The only way we can get there, together, is to have a strong financial plan! So we- Mainly Mommy-- are always looking for ways to save money....
I have always thought that the little changes add up and can make a really BIG difference!
So what I want to do is share the little things... some may be bigger than others, but in the end they save a little money.
So tune back tomorrow (I hope) for my first "Frugal Friday" post... I know, I know, lots of people have a frugal friday thing or link up or whatever, but I want to do my own...maybe I'll join in later...not really sure how all of that works!
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